Pyala Travel for local travel agents

Pyala Travel is happy to work with local travel agents all around the world

B 2 B : Pyala Travel for Travel Agents

Pyala Travel is happy to work with local travel agents (outgoing).

Do you like to sell our Pyala tours to your clients? We can offer you both individual 100% tailor made packages, as well as group tours, completely tailormade to your wishes.

The tours on our website are only an example of what we can offer. We have a longstanding experience in organizing grouptours for bigger groups to various countries. Also we can offer tours for travel agents to more destinations (in Asia) than the ones we offer right now on our website. 

We are able to offer special discounts on our tours for travel agents, depending on the no. of clients you will send through our company.

Please contact our head office anytime (  if you would like to work with us on a regular basis and offer our tours to your clients in your country!

Let's Pyala together!